LOVED BY 6,000+ 

This Journal Will Help You Reach Your Full Potential

we created a fully guided goal setting journal after asking 1,000+ older people for life advice and combining their greatest secrets.

180+ Fully Guided Pages

Guided Walkthrough Videos

Undated, Start Anytime

Monthly Group Masterminds


Try it & love it for 30 days or your money back

Are You Living Up To Your Full Potential?

If I asked YOU to qualify your life as: “Sucks, Not Bad, or Perfect” - would you pick Not Bad? 


Where life is good… but you’ve always wondered what it would feel like if it were great? 


The majority of us are stuck in the "conventional path" - routine 9-5, decent pay, limited vacation days - and while it may make us unhappy, we do it because "it's what we're supposed to do." 


But there's a version of you that you still haven't met. 


The one that is happier, more fulfilled, and more proud.  


Yet you don't know what they look like, or how to even get that process started. You're busy, tired, and overwhelmed. 


That’s why now is the perfect time to use proven, timeless strategies like Guided Goal Journaling—a simple, effective way to gain clarity and take control.

How Do I Know?
Well, This Used To Be Me 👇🏻

Hey 👋🏻 I'm William Rossy, the founder of Sprouht. A few years ago, I was working as a financial analyst on the trading floors of one of Canada's largest banks. 


I hated my job and felt like I was throwing my life away pursuing this career just to fit into society's norms. 


It was at my lowest of times while working at the bank that I began journaling... and that's when everything changed.

6 Months Later, This Happened...

I Went From Feeling Like This...

To Feeling Like This!

Goal Journaling is the ONLY change I made.

But, regardless, figuring your life out takes effort & time.

So we decided to spare you from all the Self-Growth work that sucks.

Here's How Our Goal Setting Journal Works:

  • P1. Craft Your Ideal Lifestyle

  • P2. Set REAL Goals

  • P3. Unlock True Discipline

Part One: Create A Detailed Vision For Your Ideal Lifestyle

You'll complete some of the most powerful self-reflection exercises that we have uncovered after spending 5+ years interviewing 1,000+ high achievers in 35+ countries around the world, like My Perfect Day, About Me, Current Me vs. Future Me, and much more.


At the end of Part One, you'll have a clear picture of exactly what the ideal life you want for yourself looks AND feels like.

Part Two: Turn Your Ideal Lifestyle Into Actionable, REAL Goals

In this second part of your Goal Setting Journal, you'll take the ideal life you've uncovered and detailed in Part One and turn it into achievable, measurable, and specific goals using our signature BAKTRAK goal setting method.


You will come up with a list of five goals to focus on over the course of the next 6 months, and you'll break each one down into bite-sized tasks so you know EXACTLY how to get started.

Part Three: Bridge The Gap Between Current You and Ideal You

In this third part of your Goal Setting Journal, you'll take the top 5 goals that you've defined in Part Two and track them by the day, week, month, and quarter.


You'll undergo weekly and monthly self-reflections to optimize your goal setting journey and ensure that you stay the course.


This lasts for a period of 6 total months, when all of your goals from Part Two will have been achieved, and your Ideal Life will become your Current Life!

Now, you're probably wondering... 
Does This Strategy ACTUALLY Work?

Unlike any self-improvement journal ever made, ours is based on 100% proven formulas from thousands of real people. Let me explain 👇🏻


That's the number of interviews we have personally conducted with the oldest, wisest, and highest achieving people on our planet, asking them about the secrets, strategies, and formulas for how to live your most meaningful life. 


Inside our Goal Setting Journal, you will complete exercises based on advice from people like The Prime Minister of Canada, Shark Tank Judges, World-Renowned Spiritual Gurus, 100+ Year Olds, Billionaires, Olympic Athletes, $100M Founder Entrepreneurs, and much more.

What we're trying to say is: every exercise inside our journal is proven to work because it is what successful people have been using for decades already.

1 Billion

That's the # of views our interview videos have received after sharing the life advice of the people who helped build the strategies inside this Goal Setting Journal.


The number of lives transformed through our Goal Setting Journal in almost 100 countries around the world. 


Every single day, real people of ALL ages are taking the first step to make the most of their lives, once and for all.

Our Goal Setting Journal helps you skip hours of trial-and-error and get straight to making real progress...finally.

So Where Does That Leave You?

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Goal Journaling is the smallest single step that you can take today to start creating the version of yourself that exists in your highest potential.


If you're ready to take that first step, know that our Goal Setting Journal is 100% guaranteed to give you the clarity you need to get to the next level.


And with a 30-day money-back guarantee, you have zero reason not to try.


I can't wait to meet the highest-level version of yourself 😁


If You Are Ready To...

Figure Your Life Out (Seriously)

Most people fail to pursue their dreams because they don't even understand what their dreams are. 


Our journal will help you learn about who you are, figure out your ideal life, and map it out into a perfect day. This clarity unlocks the foundation to set goals that’ll take you to the next level.

Turn The Impossible Into The Possible

A fulfilling life means feeling purpose in 6 pillars: your career, relationships, health, friendships, travel, and self-discovery. 


Set 6-month goals to achieve your ideal lifestyle and break them down into bite-sized, achievable tasks that make it incredibly, stupidly simple to get started with.

Become Incredibly Consistent

Don't let distractions get in your way - adopt incredible discipline in Part Three when you stat diving into a 6-month goal tracking journey, where you will track each goal by the quarter, month, week, and day... giving you the discipline & accountability needed to live your ideal life.

With A Tried-And-Tested Journal Based 
On Life Advice From 1,000+ Interviews...

Grab Your Goal Setting Journal Today

Each Journal Includes:

Each Journal Includes:

180+ Fully Guided Journal Pages

Guided Training Walkthrough Videos

Access To Monthly Live Group Mastermind

Undated, Start Anytime


Ships Within 24 Hours

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

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